What is a legitimate locksmith? They’re someone who does what they promise. They also stick to your budget and don’t make you overpay. Lastly, they adhere to the rules and regulations which apply to their work. To find a legitimate locksmith, make use of the many tips and tricks found below.
Never agree to having your lock completely replaced simply because you locked yourself out of your home or business. A good locksmith will be able to get into most types of doors without needing to get a new lock. If you switch out the lock, a simple job could turn into an expensive one.

Carefully investigate any locksmith you consider using prior to making a call. Many locksmiths are nothing more than scam artists who will tell you that they need to drill out your current lock and install a new lock. Therefore, it is important to know who to call before you actually need a locksmith.
You can avoid extra fees by contacting a locksmith during normal business hours. If you call them during off times, you are very likely to be charged more. For example, it usually costs about $50 to get a car unlocked, but this can rise to $100 or more after hours.
Make sure the locksmith you hire is properly licensed and insured. While this may not impact his ability to fix you up a new set of keys, it offers a lot in terms of credibility and trust. Make sure anyone you use is up to date on all the paperwork and as professional as possible.
If you get a price quote on the phone, but are asked to pay more later on, express your dissatisfaction immediately. There are plenty of honest locksmiths out there, so do not do business with someone who isn’t straight with you.
If you are trying to find a good locksmith, think about contacting a security company in the area. A construction company is also a good choice. Many times, these companies have a locksmith that they turn to when they need work done, so they can provide you with a good recommendation.
Before you agree to hire any locksmith or think you can just call them at the drop of a dime, ask if they charge more for your specific location. Many businesses will add on extra charges if you happen to live more than 20 miles from their base location. Know this in advance to avoid an outrageous bill.
Check the license of any locksmith who comes to your home. Be sure to verify that they are the person listed on the license. Some unsavory types will share one license between everyone in the company, hoping no one will check it. You know better, so check it against their photo ID.
Not every locksmith is on the up and up. Some will perform their job the “easy way”, leaving you with a big mess to clean up. Others won’t have insurance, a license or any experience. Use the advice here to ensure that the professional you hire is truly an expert.